I acknowledge that The Wealth Club Pty Ltd (ACN 648 535 362), trading as The Wealth Club (ABN 33 648 535 362), is an educational and information only platform. The presentations, workshops, information, statements, and opinions expressed during the Program and all associated materials are intended only as educational resources. They are not intended as a substitute for legal, commercial and/or financial advice from licensed professionals.
I acknowledge that The Wealth Club will not provide any specific legal, accounting, financial or investment advice and that I have been urged to seek professional advice from an experienced Legal Professional, Taxation Accountant, Financial and Investor Advisors before attempting to implement any of the strategies outlined in The Wealth Club and before making any commitment of a legal or financial nature.
I acknowledge that none of the presenters or organisers of the Program guarantees any outcomes resulting from implementing the strategies or following any of the Program's information. No representations or advice has been made or provided to me to this effect.
I also release and hold harmless each and every one of the presenters and the organisers of the Program and in particular, The Wealth Club Pty Ltd and their presentation partners and business affiliates and/or their executors, administrators and their assigns from any liability or any loss or damage or expense suffered or incurred by them as a result of any action taken by me or any party associated with me as a result of reliance upon information and/or materials supplied or strategies discussed or provided to me during the Program.
I acknowledge that the webinars and the seminars will be recorded.
I consent to the reproduction of sound and visual recordings of the events and the use of my name and image or likeness in marketing, promotion or related endeavours by The Wealth Club.
I will only use the The Wealth Club Program information and material support for my personal, non-commercial use and may not reproduce, modify, transmit, licence or publish it, in whole or in part, for any purpose without a prior written consent from the The Wealth Club.
I acknowledge that I may not record, video, or reproduce any of the information presented at any seminars and/or webinars provided by The Wealth Club.
I acknowledge that The Wealth Club Pty Ltd (ACN 648 535 362), trading as The Wealth Club (ABN 33 648 535 362), is an educational and information only platform. The presentations, workshops, information, statements, and opinions expressed during the Program and all associated materials are intended only as educational resources. They are not intended as a substitute for legal, commercial and/or financial advice from licensed professionals.
I acknowledge that The Wealth Club will not provide any specific legal, accounting, financial or investment advice and that I have been urged to seek professional advice from an experienced Legal Professional, Taxation Accountant, Financial and Investor Advisors before attempting to implement any of the strategies outlined in The Wealth Club and before making any commitment of a legal or financial nature.
I acknowledge that none of the presenters or organisers of the Program guarantees any outcomes resulting from implementing the strategies or following any of the Program's information. No representations or advice has been made or provided to me to this effect.
I also release and hold harmless each and every one of the presenters and the organisers of the Program and in particular, The Wealth Club Pty Ltd and their presentation partners and business affiliates and/or their executors, administrators and their assigns from any liability or any loss or damage or expense suffered or incurred by them as a result of any action taken by me or any party associated with me as a result of reliance upon information and/or materials supplied or strategies discussed or provided to me during the Program.
I acknowledge that the webinars and the seminars will be recorded.
I consent to the reproduction of sound and visual recordings of the events and the use of my name and image or likeness in marketing, promotion or related endeavours by The Wealth Club.
I will only use the The Wealth Club Program information and material support for my personal, non-commercial use and may not reproduce, modify, transmit, licence or publish it, in whole or in part, for any purpose without a prior written consent from the The Wealth Club.
I acknowledge that I may not record, video, or reproduce any of the information presented at any seminars and/or webinars provided by The Wealth Club.